Aikido in Fredericksburg

2020 Common Ground Aikido Friendship Seminar

Common Ground 2020

Aikido in Virginia Friendship Seminar

Seminar is cancelled due to Covid. Gomenasai.

Instead we will have an Online Panel Discussion 

Sept. 5 at 10A

Invited Instructors:

Gordon Sakamoto Shihan, 7th Dan, Northern VA Aikikai (USAF)


Stephen Gayer, 6th dan, Shin Ryu Virginia (Kannagara)

Aviv Goldsmith, 6th dan, Aikido in Fredericksburg (TAA)

Yvonne Thelwell, 6th dan, Aikido of Arlington (CAA)

Steve Wolf, 5th dan, Northern Virginia Ki-Aikido (Eastern Ki Federation)

Truman Capone, 5th dan, Kodokan Aikido Blacksburg (Kodokan)

Brian Ericksen, 5th dan, Heaven & Earth Aikido (USAF)

Dave McConnell, 4th dan, Nishio Aikido Keikokai (Nishio)


Date: September 5, 2020
Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Location: Virtual
Spaces Left: 45 Capacity: 60
Members-Only Registration

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